Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Veggie Pork Bun

Normally people think of BBQ pork filled buns when they think of Chinese buns. I have bought and eaten many BBQ pork buns. The other day, however, I rediscovered another favorite bun: the vegetable pork bun. It's a steamed bun filled with ground pork and vegetables (normally shredded napa cabbage.) I had forgotten how incredibly tasty this buns is and how enjoyable it is. It's much harder to make this type of bun than the BBQ pork bun. The BBQ pork bun filling is made by simply buying some BBQ pork from the deli and mixing together a sweet sauce. The veggie pork filling, however, requires you to season some ground pork and add some prepared vegetables to it.

Not many stores offer the vegetable pork bun (I suppose it isn't as popular as the BBQ pork bun.) If it's been awhile since you've had a veggie pork bun (or if you've never had one) I highly recommend it. Not only does it take more skill to make, it's a great change of pace from the normal BBQ pork bun. It is filling, satisfying, and much harder to make taste right.

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