I have a thermal cooker and I normally use it to make soup or broth. I decided to try something different and see if it could cook pork, specifically make pulled pork. To my surprise it worked out beautifully. I'm going to make pulled pork more often since it's virtually no work and it saves so much energy.
Pulled Pork Tacos
3-4 lbs pork butt
1/2 c water
2 t chicken stock
8 cloves garlic
1 small can tomato sauce
4 T ketchup
1 t chili powder
1 t Penzey's frontier powder
1/2 t cinnamon
3 t oregano
2 t salt
freshly ground pepper
1 T maple syrup
1 orange, juiced
1 lime, juiced
1 onion, minced
1. Saute onion and garlic.
2. Add rest of ingredients and mix well.
3. Bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes.
4. Add insert into liner and let sit overnight.
5. In the morning, bring to a boil. Shred pork.
6. Before serving, reduce sauce by boiling the sauce (and not the pork) for a few minutes.