I love pot pie. My husband loves pot pie. A delicious gravy laden stew covered in a light, crispy pastry; what's not to love? ^_^ I have never bought a rabbit before but when I did, I noticed that I was only able to buy a whole rabbit. None of my nearby stores had just the legs or loin to buy. When I bought the whole bunny I noticed that it really does still look like a bunny! O.o I somehow managed to butcher it (made a complete guess as to how it is done.) I marinated it in cognac, thyme, salt and pepper.

After the poor bunny had been marinating for a few hours, I quickly browned it in a dutch oven. I added everything back into the pot (along w/the remaining marinade) and added some madeira ... you know, for good measure. I let it simmer for about 1 hour. At the 1 hour mark, I added some miscellaneous veggies that would ultimatley taste good in pot pie. I let everything simmer for another 15-20 minutes.

After my thumper filling was all ready to go, I assembled the pie and into the oven it went for about 45 minutes at 375 F. In addition to thumper pot pie we also had carrot souffle and wild mushroom lasagna. Yes, I do realize the irony of it all >_< Everything turned out really well and thumper pot pie was a success.